Thomas Sean Connery, named Thomas after his grandfather, was born in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, Scotland on 25 August 1930.[5] His mother, Euphemia McBain “Effie” (ne McLean), was a cleaning woman, and his father, Joseph Connery, was a factory worker and lorry driver.[6][7] His paternal grandfather’s parents emigrated to Scotland from Ireland in the mid 19th century.[8] The remainder of his family was of Scottish descent, and his maternal great grandparents were native Scottish Gaelic speakers from Fife (unusually, for a speaker of the language), and Uig on the Isle of Skye.[9][10] His father was a Roman Catholic, and his mother was a Protestant. He has a younger brother, Neil. Connery has said that he was called Sean, his middle name, long before becoming an actor, explaining that when he was young he had an Irish friend named Samus and that those who knew them both had decided to call Connery by his middle name whenever both were present.

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